
Monday, April 14, 2014

Slip Into Something More Comfortable

This is a sponsored post.  I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Huggies. I received product samples to facilitate my review and to thank me for my participation.

Seriously, folks, the Muffin Man is wearing me out.  To be fair, I don't have quite as much energy as usual thanks to the fact that I'm carrying around a developing human and an additonal 20 pounds or so, but my kiddo is so active that chasing after him sometimes leaves me short of breath.  This week his newest trick is climbing - out of the bathtub, onto the top of the couch, from the glider into his crib - so you can imagine just how easy it is to get him to lay still in order to change his diapers.  Oh, and did I mention how strong Noah is?  He's a lean, mean fighting machine, so holding him down while also trying to avoid getting either of us covered in poop is not an option.  Noah does not respond favorably to missing one single second of play time for something as trivial as a wet diaper!  Needless to say, this complicates things, since I really don't have the stamina to overpower a kicking, screaming, 22-pound whirling dervish, yet it's also considered child abuse to leave a baby in a dirty diaper too long.  What is an exhausted and overwhelmed mother to do?  Thanks to Huggies Little Movers Slip-Ons, I now have a solution.

The Little Movers Slip-On diapers are designed just for kiddos like Noah who are extremely active and new to the whole standing/walking thing.  When you have a munchkin who wants to move all the time, trying to get a traditional diaper in place is a real pain in the butt (no pun intended).  It's almost like attempting to hit a moving target with a vibrating gun - not easy.  Prior to discovering the Slip-On diapers we purchased a different brand of pull-up type pants at the suggestion of a Mommy friend who said that they were easier to use on busy little folks.  While the idea was fantastic, those particular diapers were designed for older kids getting ready to potty train, and so they just didn't fit well at all.  I had constant leakage problems and I actually ended up donating most of them to Baby2Baby and going back to my usual brand.  The Huggies Slip-Ons, on the other hand, work really, really well.  We haven't had a single leak, they fit the Muffin Man perfectly, and best of all they make changing him go much faster, as they are pre-fastened, yet the sides open easily when you're ready to take them off.   I've found that they are especially easy to change while he's standing up and distracted by something else, which means he's less likely to land a strong punch to my solar plexus in an attempt to avoid having to lay still.

Now you know that I am all about saving you sheckels here on the ol' blog, which is why I've got a fantastic coupon here for you to save $1.00 on any package of Huggies Slip-On Diapers.  If you share a link with three friends you can save $1.50 on the package, so spread the love and save yourself some coinage.  You do have to register with in order to obtain the coupon, but then you can start redeeming points from all your diaper purchases and eventually you'll earn more coupons and free diapers, so it's pretty much a win-win situation.

In the meantime we'll just be over here at Casa Lane dancing around in our underwear now that it not longer takes three large adults to change one small little boy's poopy diapers.

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