Just a little sick day Extreme Couponing action |
We had a bit of a rough weekend around these parts. Saturday morning the Muffin Man woke up with a runny nose, a fever, and a grumpy disposition, so all of our exciting weekend plans got tabled in order to care for a sick little one. While my main concern, of course, was Noah's health, I admit that I spent way too many hours worrying that his cold might possibly derail our romantic get away plans. I know, I'm a terrible, selfish human being probably not fit to be someone's parent, but Mama needs a massage. Thankfully, Noah seems to be on the mend, so our plans to ditch the kiddo and spend some time alone proceed apace. I'm terribly relieved, certainly because I hate it when Noah is under the weather, but also because I have a super cute new bathing suit and I would really hate for it to go to waste.
Just in case you're worried that my vacation plans will leave you without any exciting blog posts to read while you're supposed to be working, rest assured that I've got you covered. I have something all scheduled for tomorrow and on Wednesday I'm excited to welcome the
fabulous Jessica Glassberg as my guest blogger. She'll be sharing her own Motherhood FAIL on Wednesday, and I can guarantee that you will not want to miss this.
You can also follow me on
Instagram, where I can promise at least one photograph of me drinking an adult beverage by the pool. If you prefer words to pictures, then
Twitter should be right up your alley, or you can join me on
Pinterest if you share my obsession with interior design.
Have a wonderful week, my friends. And just remember that I may be escaping town, but I can't escape Motherhood; I'll be taking my breast pump with me.
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