
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Motherhood FAIL of the Week: Sunscreen Chronicles, Part Deux

We're finally getting some summer weather here in Los Angeles, which means temperatures over 100 degrees and air conditioning bills that cost more than the rent I paid for my first apartment, so I've been slathering the Muffin Man with sunscreen every time we so much as step foot outside.

Yesterday afternoon we met some of our friends at the zoo.  I know that zoos are not politically correct or whatever, but when you have hours to kill before bedtime and your kid happens to really like animals, you're all about the zoo.  Since we've been to the zoo once before I knew that it would be hot, so I planned accordingly.  I put almost an entire bottle of sunscreen on Noah, I crammed a hat on his head, and I brought a sippy cup full of cold water.  I also remembered to pack an extra diaper, a change of clothes, and a bottle, so I was feeling very proud of myself for having my shit together for once.  When we arrived at the zoo I strapped the kiddo into the umbrella stroller and set off to meet up with our friends.  We had a pleasant, if rather warm, stroll around the zoo.  We saw lots of cool animals, including Giraffes (Noah's favorite), Gorillas (my favorite), and Meerkats (that weird character from that weird movie's favorite).  At one point, Noah seemed sleepy, so I reclined the stroller backrest, handed him his blankie, and let him take a snooze.  Focused solely on the current drama of my friend's divorce, I enjoyed a nice walk while Noah napped peacefully.  

When we left the zoo and I unbuckled Noah from the stroller to put him into his carseat, his face was beet red.  Apparently, the stroller had been angled such that the sun had been beating down onto his face beneath the brim of his hat.  I'd been so intent on making sure his legs and arms didn't get burned that I had completely forgotten to put sunscreen on the kid's face.  While he does look especially cute with pink cheeks, I'm sure that I have somehow irrevocably damaged his delicate baby skin and I could be arrested for child endangerment.  On the plus side, he has a nice little tan on his arms and legs, which really looks fantastic with his summer wardrobe.  

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